About Us

Heather Scovel and her sister Jodi Wright founded Savory Moments Catering in Charlotte, NC on personal philosophies of food and community in 2009.
Heather received her formal education at Johnson & Wales Culinary Institute in Charleston, SC where she graduated with a degree in Baking and Pastry Arts. While evolving as a culinary trained chef, her background as a Pastry Chef developed her keen eye for detail in her food presentations. Heather expanded her skills in the restaurant industry then moved on to Corporate as a Food Service Director, for 10 years, as a global leader in contract food service and hospitality. Heather continues to develop her vision for the food at Savory Moments Catering and is very involved in daily operations while becoming increasingly influential in her community and that of the culinary world.
Jodi Wright graduated from University of Tennessee with a Bachelor of Science in Interior Design. Jodi joined Heather as business partners 10 years ago making them leaders in the ever growing “women-owned” companies in the United States. Her passion for detail shines through in their new Venue and Office facility of Magnolia Woods – the sister company of Savory Moments Catering. Jodi received Small Business Owner of the Year 2015 by Executive Women of Lake Norman. In 2016, Savory Moments Catering won Small Business of the Year from the Lake Norman Chamber of Commerce. Most recently, Savory Moments won Best Caterer 2019 from Lake Norman Publications.